244 MAXXED Up Racing
Just a little thing we do on the Weekends.
If you give a kid a dirt bike...he will want to go ride it.
You'll buy him the best bike you can afford, then he'll want a "trick" helmet, a chest protector and a jersey with a race number on it.
Then, he will spend hours begging you to take him to the track, even though you may just want to chill on your patio and drink a cold one. He will insist, with his puppy dog eyes, and he will win.
And when the leaves fall, and the snow flies, he will probably want a snowmobile...
And life as you know it will end.
There will be no more lazy weekends by the pool or watching TV. You will search out local race tracks, you will become members of race associations. You will see more sunrises driving down the hiway hauling your trailer than you ever thought possible. Every spare minute of your time will be spent hauling race fuel, tinkering with motors, building tracks and jumps anywhere you can find a empty piece of land, and cheering louder than you realized your lungs would let you.
And your house will be a mess. And your truck will be dirty. All because you gave your kid a dirt bike.
Your weekends will be spent freezing or burning to death on a camping chair. And his weekends will be spent gaining confidence and friends, learning new skills, having fun and getting dirty. So dirty that you will have to bring a power washer and water tank to the track with you to blast the mud off him and his bike.
And you will be there the day he wins his first heat, grabs holeshot, places for a final and takes home a championship. And he will make you SO proud. Other parents and family will congratulate you, but you will feel weird saying thank you because it's not you out there on the start line sending it. It's him. He did it.
And right before your eyes, your little boy will be transformed from the baby who did laps around the yard on his PW 50 with training wheels into a racer with more skill and talent than you could ever imagine he'd possess.
When you give your kid a dirt bike, you give him more than just a toy. You give him a sport, a talent, hope and a dream. You give him friends, a place to learn about life, room to grow and push limits, courage, confidence, and memories. He will have all of this because you gave him a dirt bike.
And lastly, because you gave your kid a dirt bike, you too will have a sport, a racing family, a shared passion for the thrill of adrenaline, and memories that will last for a lifetime.
All because you gave a kid a dirt bike, and rode with him.
Modified from original, original author unknown.
CCheck out 244 Maxxed Up Racing, our sponsored rider Cole Maxey on his Youtube Channel and Instagram.